Unveiling the Matrix 220 Imager: Exceptional Performance Meets Industrial Durability!


The Matrix 220 Imager is designed to deliver outstanding performance across a range of demanding applications. With its advanced features and robust construction, this imager is well-suited for industries such as Electronics, Automotive, Packaging, Intralogistics, and Document Handling.


Key Features:


  1. High-Resolution Sensor:

    • The Matrix 220 is equipped with a 1.2 MP high-resolution sensor that ensures precise and clear image capture, enhancing the accuracy of barcode reading.
  2. Advanced Image Processing:

    • It features a new multicore image processing platform that boosts processing power and efficiency, allowing for swift and reliable scans.
  3. Innovative Lighting Solutions:

    • The imager incorporates advanced lighting technology to improve readability in various conditions, ensuring consistent performance.
  4. Electronic Focus Technology:

    • Electronic focus adjustments provide superior accuracy, accommodating a wide range of scanning distances and barcode sizes.
  5. Industrial-Grade Robustness:

    • Built to withstand the rigors of industrial environments, the Matrix 220 offers durability and reliability in harsh conditions.


Applications and Benefits:


  • DPM Traceability: The Matrix 220 DPM models simplify Direct Part Marking (DPM) traceability in manufacturing, enhancing both efficiency and flexibility in production processes.

  • User-Friendly Design: The Matrix 220 is designed with ease of use in mind. It features:

    • Green and red spotlights for visual feedback
    • The X-Press™ button for quick operations
    • An intuitive Human-Machine Interface (HMI) for straightforward interaction
    • DL.CODE™ configuration software with Automatic Setup mode for effortless code reading setup


The Matrix 220 Imager combines high performance with user-friendly features and industrial durability, making it an excellent choice for businesses looking to optimize their scanning operations. 


Contact us today at sales@alcglobal.com! 



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